• Question: What's so fun about babies?

    Asked by balaclava to Caspar on 14 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Caspar Addyman

      Caspar Addyman answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Haven’t you ever met a baby. They’re nothing but fun and games.
      Ok so when they are not crying, sleeping or eating babies spend their whole lives having fun (And growing!) They are also learning about the world so fast that each week is different from the last. There is a serious point behind what they are doing all that rolling around and grabbing at things starts to teach them how to coordinate their muscles.. All the goo-goos and gaa-gaas teach them how to produce the sounds they’ll need to speak. Then once they start to speak, every day is a hunt for new words to master.. at first simple things like ‘mama’, ‘cup’, ‘ball’, but very quickly they want to about aarvarks, zebras and every single kind of dinosaur.

      It can be very exhausting for parents and for older brothers and sisters. But it is fantastic for scientists. we can go and observe the babies learning about the world and start to understand how they do it.
      (But if the baby does start to cry or want feeding then mummy takes over again.)

      It’s not just fun, I think it’s also quite important. http://ias.im/35.73
