• Question: is your job interesting,when you was young was you scared of blood.

    Asked by jbb95 to Alan, Caspar, Diana, Murray, Sarah on 21 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      Yes my job is really interesting and it feels good to be doing something that might one day help save lives. So many families are affected by cancer so it’s good to be doing something to help.

      I’ve never been scared of blood but tomorrow I am going to get an operation on my arm because I broke my thumb and tore some ligaments in my arm when sledging in the snow! And I’m getting really nervous about it! I’m worried that it’s going to hurt and that it’s going to be difficult to move my arm afterwards. I’ll have to wear a cast afterwards so I’m going to have to type my answers one handed!! I’m also scared about getting put asleep and what it will feel like!

    • Photo: Diana Drennan

      Diana Drennan answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      My job is very interesting. I love it !!

      I’ve never been scared of blood. Probably because I was never seriously hurt as a kid. I got cuts and things that bled, but never a scary amount. It would make me a little quesy looking at it, but I got over that as a parent because kids get hurt and need to get cleaned up. My 2nd daughter is a real klutz and has needed several sets of stitches, so I’m pretty good at looking, cleaning, and assessing if we need to make a run to the ER. She had one accident where she walked behind a swing and got hit in the face. Her tooth went through the skin above her lip and made a hole. It bled a LOT and needed 12 stitches. The Dr. was very arrogant and treated her like just a thing to be sewn up rather than as a scared 2 year old. She wiggled a lot and he yelled at the nurses to hold her still. She was scared of blood for a long while after that, although I think part of her fear was because of the way she was treated. Are you scared of blood ? Are your studies interesting ?

    • Photo: Caspar Addyman

      Caspar Addyman answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      Hi JBB95.. is this question for one of us in particular? I wasn’t ever scared of blood but even so i’m glad I don’t see any at work.. (or at home!)

      Yes, I find what I do very interesting. The great thing about science is that you are always working on something that you don’t fully understand (if you did fully understand it there would be no need to run any experiments.) If that was all that happened you’d get quite frustrated. But little by little you start to feel like you are making progress.. which is really satisfying feeling.
