• Question: If cloning people was possible or if it is in the future. Do you think that it is right?

    Asked by angelxxx to Alan, Murray, Sarah on 25 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Murray Collins

      Murray Collins answered on 24 Mar 2011:

      I think that science gives us the options to be able to do things i.e. can we do it or not. Ethics give us a way to discuss whether we should do something or not. I mean, just because we know we can do something, doesn’t mean it is right.

      I think it depends why you would want to do it. If you could reproduce a body part in order to save someone with organ failure for instance then ethically I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      No I don’t think it is right, and even if we could clone somebody, they wouldn’t be the same person as they wouldn’t have had the same memories and experiences. And I think that if we could clone people, it would happen for emotional reasons, like if a person was badly hurt in an accident, the family would want to clone them so they didn’t have to lose them.

      This idea reminds me a little bit of saviour siblings? Have you heard of that before? Its when parents have a sick child that needs some kind of transplant and they have another baby that is a tissue match for the first child so that they can use the new child to give transplants to the first child. I think that is so wrong, a child should never be born for that reason or used for transplants.
