• Question: how do i create nuclear fusion???

    Asked by freddiewm to Alan, Caspar, Diana, Murray, Sarah on 25 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      Nuclear fusion is when 2 or more atomic nuclei join together or “fuse” to create a single heavier nucleus. To get this to happen you need a lot of energy and usually high temperatures and pressure.

      In the simplest case of hydrogen fusion, two protons have to be brought close enough for the weak nuclear force to convert either of the identical protons into a neutron forming the hydrogen isotope deuterium. Nuclear fusion occurs in all active stars, it’s how stars get their energy.

      So how do you capture this fuel? Well the way stars do it is by having a massive gravitational pull. This helped overcome the electrostatic forces that can repell nuclei… But I’m guessing you don’t have a very large gravitational force…. So you could use a magnet? Electrically charged particles will follow magnetic field lines and then you can trap them using a super strong magnetic field?

      Or you could use some kind of energy device to make the nuclei fuse, like a laser or sound waves, or an antimatter explosion? Or you could detonate a nuclear weapon? That should do the trick!
