• Question: do you play with baby animals aswell???

    Asked by robertthefriendlydragon2 to Caspar on 14 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Caspar Addyman

      Caspar Addyman answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Only for fun.. I think puppies would be much harder to work with than human babies.. they move too fast and hunt in packs..

      Although my professors used to do research with baby chicks. Baby chicks, ducklings, etc very quickly learn to follow their mother. My professor was interested in how they do this so he got his baby chicks to follow stuffed birds and things like red ping-pong balls or yellow matchboxes to see if it was color or shape or movement that attracted the chicks. He found that a certain bit of the chick’s brain is waiting to see something a bit like a hen. And once it sees anything even slightly close (e.g. a red triangle) it starts following that and starts to like that thing more and more. So much that even if a real hen appears shortly afterwards it still prefers it’s triangular mummy!

      Oh and I have another colleague who showed that dogs can catch yawns, just like people do..

