• Question: Do you love your job

    Asked by fraz to Sarah on 12 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 12 Mar 2011:

      Yes I love my job! Cancer research means a lot to me and to a lot of families that have been affected by cancer and it feels great to be doing something that could really help people! It’s also really exciting! Massive advances have been made in Cancer Research during the past few years and it’s great to be a part of a field that is changing and advancing so quickly. The survival rates of people that get cancer has doubled over the past 20 years!

      And the PhD experience is amazing. It’s kind of like having a job except your boss doesn’t mind what time you start in the morning! Can you imagine what it would be like if you could decide what time you started school each day?!

      Edinburgh is a really cool university as well. And the actual work I do is a lot of fun! I get to use all kinds of crazy machines and chemicals! That’s the fun thing about chemistry! I get to use liquid nitrogen a lot which is so cold you could make ice cream with it in seconds! It’s -196 degrees! And one of the machines I use has a magnet in it that is the size of an elephant you have to climb a set of stairs to put a sample inside it!

      I think all the scientists on here love their jobs and that’s probably why they are doing this! We love talking about it! Science has an impact in so many aspects of our lives and you can really see that by all the different kinds of work that Murray, Diana, Casper, Alan and I do.
