• Question: do you ever think could find away to travel to other planets and find a sutible new home

    Asked by bowser to Alan, Caspar, Murray, Sarah on 24 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Murray Collins

      Murray Collins answered on 23 Mar 2011:

      Well, that would be outside the solar system unless we colonise Mars. Even getting a single manned mission to Mars is clearly extremely expenisve, let alone getting a significant new human population there.

      So, maybe a long way into the future. Moving humanity to another planet even in the very long term is pure fantasy I think. So, we have this one beautiful planet of our own which we desperately need to learn to treat better. If we don’t look after it better, we could stand to set our development back, including the technological development that we would need to actually go and visit other planets.

      Let’s continue to dream about visiting other planets, but sort out the problems we have on the one home we actually do have first!

    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 24 Mar 2011:

      I think moon colonisation is quite possible, but as for finding new planets and a new home, I’m not so sure. We would have to figure out a way to travel through space that was more energy efficient and a lot faster! It takes years just to travel through our solar system, let alone to visit new galaxies!
