• Question: why did your burn your name on the floor on purpose?

    Asked by flowelsh to Sarah on 23 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 23 Mar 2011:

      because I used to be quite troublesome in school! Me and my friends Roanne and Emma – we would just egg each other on, and turn up late for class and chat during lessons or send each other notes. We sat next to each other in chemistry and we used to draw heavy metal band names on the desks, set fire to stuff and generally muck up our experiments. So when we spilt the sulfuric acid on the floor, and it burned it, we thought it would be good to write our names. It sounds so stupid now! I just went through a really wild phase when I was like 13/14 and I used to get in trouble and have massive arguments with my mum all the time, I was an angry teenager. I guess I had a hard time growing up and I just decided to take it out on everyone. But one day I woke up and I wasn’t angry anymore, I guess I got it out of my system and I settled down at school and started to do really well and everything got better. Me and my mum don’t argue anymore, I love her to bits and always look after her.
